A work (of art) in progress
Hello everyone!
Life has been a bit on the busy side lately and my work load has been a bit crazy! As such I haven't been able to quite get all the products ready as I have wanted. You will see that we have 40 unique pieces of art on our website and a number of those are only available as Canvas prints right now. A handful of those are available in our expanded product line up like Mugs, Phone Cases, Posters, Tote Bags and the Other wall art options.
As time progresses I will be able to get all of the art pieces available on every product and I thank you for your patience while I set about doing this. If you have a favorite piece of art that you are wanting on one of the extra products please feel free to send me a message, my inbox is always open! Once I get the message I will work to complete your favorite piece of art first out of my remaining list and send you a message when I have completed the task.
Make sure when you send a message you let me know by title which piece it is you would like me to work on. It is on a first come first serve basis, so if I get multiple requests I will create a "To do" list of sorts in order.
That is all for this update! Hope you are all doing well and I hope to hear from you!